New Textbook and Video Content in Pre-A&P Outlines

Today I added some additional mini-icons to the Review Outlines for my Pre-A&P-Foundations in Science course.

The textbook references link to "open" textbooks from OpenStax and textbook content from Kahn Academy.  There is a new "book" icon that identifies these links.

There are also several new links pointing to videos from Kahn Academy, identified by the "video icon."

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PRE-A&P Syllabus Updated

I just did my usual pre-semester update to the BIO 095 (Pre-A&P) syllabus.

There are no changes to the course, but the syllabus as been revised to include a list of learning outcomes for each course objective to better inform readers of the content and learning goals of the course.

A number of sentences or paragraphs were tweaked to better clarify course policies, procedures, and goals.

The list of withdrawal dates for fall and spring offerings of the course was updated. Read More!

Updated Teaching Resources and RSS feeds

Today the pages focused on resources for A&P teachers were updated. Links to these pages can be found at

Also updated are the RSS feeds that are found near the bottom of most anatomy & physiology related pages.  The posts from feeds now shows up in a different format that is more compatible with the overall design of the Lion Den website.

The feeds are also categorized as "for A&P students" or "for A&P teachers" to better focus the user.  Teacher-related content appears only on pages that are specifically directed to teachers.  Student-related content appears on all A&P-related pages.

The change in feeds also represents a move to a different feed aggregator than used previously. Read More!